Why rabbits don’t wear glasses…

Well they eat carrots! Everyone knows that right? But what has that to do with glasses and eye sight? When I attended a training on nutrition and supplements I was surprised to hear that we need specific vitamins and minerals to offset the damaging blue lights we use every day in our technology heavy age.… Continue reading Why rabbits don’t wear glasses…

Eat your fruit don’t drink it!

I came across this phrase recently while listening to an online training and it stuck with me. It actually makes sense to me but I wanted to dig a bit deeper. Why wouldn’t a smoothie be as good as the real thing? After all it’s got exactly the same stuff in it as if you… Continue reading Eat your fruit don’t drink it!

Pro or Pre?

If you’ve read my blog about gut health you’ll know that this is something I already touched on. But it’s stuck in my mind ever since and I thought it’s worth giving this subject its own dedicated blog. It was rather hard to find an image though. So I settled for the Pacman… 🙂 Probiotics… Continue reading Pro or Pre?

The Wet Stuff

I was pondering what to write this week’s blog about and as I was filling up the dog bowl it occurred to me that water would be a good topic. Especially as it’s lovely and hot at the moment and you are all hopefully having plenty of the wet stuff (drinking it as well as… Continue reading The Wet Stuff

What’s on your plate?

At a recent nutrition and supplement information evening a school nurse pointed out that they no longer use the Eat Well Guide the Public Health of England published last year (well they revised it last year). The reason for that being that it is too carb heavy. So I thought, time to look at this… Continue reading What’s on your plate?